Wheat Study

A research farm in Pennsylvania tested their standard wheat fertilizer program* against that program including 150 lb/ac of granulated AZOMITE®. The AZOMITE® was broadcast on the plots April 23—much later than the ideal application time of the previous fall. This was done to test whether the AZOMITE® could produce a response this late in the season. There were three replications of the two treatments, in large plot field tests. Yields were collected and weighed and the grain was tested for nutrient and protein content. The wheat was harvested July 6.


Benefits at a glance:

  • The wheat quality samples showed AZOMITE® increased the crude protein in the wheat by 0.8% and also increased the P, K, Mg, Mn, Cu, and Zn levels in the harvested grain.
  • AZOMITE® increased yield and income within only a few months between applications and harvest.
  • 150 lb/ac of AZOMITE® increased yield by 7.2% and income by $26.66 per acre