Pumpkin Study
A research farm in Pennsylvia tested their standard pumpkin fertilizer program*, against that program — with the inclusion of two rates of granular AZOMITE® on Gladiator Pumpkins. All fertilizer was broadcast on the plots three weeks after planting in early July.
There were four replications of the three treatments, in 15 X 50 foot (750 sq ft) no-till plots on this working production farm. Yields were collected and weighed and the return on investment calculated based on current market prices ($100/35 count bin).
Benefits at a Glance:
- The 600 lb/ac rate of AZOMITE® showed a 1.4 ton and 232 pumpkin per acre yield increase — resulting in a $360 increased net profit per acre.
- The 300 lb/ac rate of AZOMITE® showed a 72 pumpkin per acre yield increase — resulting in a $60 increased net profit per acre.